Come with me on a musical journey.. we'll visit the old and the new.. the popular and the undiscovered.. that which moves the body.. and that which moves the mind and soul.. the sublime and that which fits no category.. and hopefully, you'll learn to appreciate music as much as I do, or at least expand your listening horizons!
Stop No. 1
Below you will find a video of ADEM CREW (a. k. a. Adem Show) dancing in a form known as "Popping" and that could best be described as "liquid robot" -to an EDM remix of the Mortal Kombat game theme music. We're leading off here because the visual movement of the dancers are directly tied to specific sequences in the music. Watching how a dancer interprets a song can sometimes help you notice little ear candy moments that you otherwise might miss. It's a good way to enhance your enjoyment of any song. You just have to stop and pay attention while you watch and/or listen!
Stop No. 2
Now let's jump back in time.. you're going to need a decent set of headphones or some external speakers that can relay left and right channel separation.. unless you're mobile device is capable of it. Here we have "Moving in Stereo" by The Cars with some very noticeable differences between the left and right speakers (a. k. a. panning). If you listen to just the left channel, then just the right channel, you essentially wind up with 2 different songs. Ear candy brought to you by the artists/producers/mixers!
(Depending on your location, YouTube may force you to watch on their site)
Other stereophonic classics:
"Eminence Front" by The Who
"Radar Love" by Golden Earring
by Jimi Hendrix
Stop No. 3
This time we're going heavy with "Albatross" by Corrosion of Conformity from the Deliverance album. Notice the super -heavy drum intro.. the power and grit, like a driving force.. the way the guitar screams in at the 2:34 mark and matches the vocals for a second.. the dual guitars after the solo and the flourishing finish! What else did you notice?
(Depending on your location, YouTube may force you to watch on their site)
Other songs with great guitar entrances:
"Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd
"Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" by Van Halen
by Nirvana
Break Time!
Here's one of my latest creations, "Journey Of The Axolotl".
An imaginary day in the life of an axolotl, interpreted musically.
It all started with the sound of a dripping faucet. Playing around with the different sound generators led to a sound that sounded like an echo, which is how the idea of a cave or cavern came into play. Then I imagined a salamander running along the wall, only to later realize that what my mind’s eye saw was an axolotl. What a fascinating creature! What must it be like with all that sensory input around the skull?
This is the musical interpretation my brain came up with for such a scene.
The artwork is a result of some AI art imaging I've been playing around with.
Listen for the subtle things.. the dripping water.. the buzzing sound of something moving from one side to the other.. the volume dips and swells.. what mood does this song convey to you?
Feel free to continue on to Stop No.4 (link below), peruse the rest of the site, or re-trace your other stops:
Stop No.4 ----- Stop No. 3 ----- Stop No. 2 ----- Stop No.1 ----- 1st Break
All my releases in one playlist:
Looking for Music Creation/Production software? Try
FL Studios -that's what I use!