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Starting Music for May 12th, 2022

Just today's music links:

Electronic Track (chillish;): "Blue Ice" by Liquid Muffin

Playlist: M4G Best of Chillish (2pt0) // Album: artist's page // Released: 2013

Keep Rockin' the Heavy Bass my friends, but don't forget to chill every once in a while!!

(NSFW warning –this track will highlight any listener comments as it plays, and not everyone uses nice words; also, be aware that if you go to SoundCloud, its algorithm isn't great at picking similar songs to play next and can sometimes pick songs with questionable lyrics -just hit the fast-forward/next button or search for a specific genre/artist)


The Wrap (original: popish): "China Girl" by David Bowie

Playlist: Randomly Cool Big List No.1 // Source: Spotify // Track: 02 // Album: Let's Dance // Released: 1983


Today's full/Sunday blog:


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